KEY PASSAGE: HEBREWS 11: 6 | SUPPORTING SCRIPTURES: Romans 12:3 Genesis 15 – James 5:1
Gods’ supernatural ability working in us to believe is a key to seeing more of your prayers answered. Faith is that conviction, confidence, trust and belief that we have in an object or person. Everyone has faith to
some degree. But what causes our faith as believers to be different is that our object is God Himself. Faith is the pause between what God has said He will do and our seeing Him act upon His Word! Another way to understand faith is as Gods capacity working within us to see what He has promised a though it were already accomplished. As believers, we have each been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). The Greek word for measure is metron and it means portion. You have a portion of faith, Gods ability working in
you to believe that He will answer your prayers. This is supernatural. In order for us to fully understand this we have to deal with these 7 issues of faith:
- Faith is linked with Covenant. In Genesis 15,
God made a covenant with Abram and promised
him an heir, though Abram and Sari were well
beyond childbearing years. More than 20 years
later, Gods promise to Abram and Sari was
fulfilled. - Faith is linked with our vision and destiny.
Faith is a supernatural ability to see beyond what
currently exists. Without faith, we do not have
vision, since faith is the ability to “see” - Faith comes from listening to God with whom
we have a relationship. Hearing Gods voice
during our times of prayer and reading Gods
Word, the Bible, releases His voice to work in our
lives. - Faith works from our love. God is pure love.
Everything we do, must be motivated by love for
God. Without love, true faith cannot operate. - Faith is based on our understanding of
authority. The centurion in Matthew 8
understood authority. Faith cannot operate in our
hearts when we are resistant to authority. - Faith must be demonstrated. Faith results in
manifestation. Whatever, we are believing for will
be seen in time. This is why the spirit of delay
must be overcome. - Faith must be increased. As we grow in or walk
with the Lord, trusting Him and believing for
responses to our prayers, our capacity to believe expands.
In fact, we can’t outwit him without faith—and he knows it. Therefore, the enemy will contend with us viciously to weaken our faith. There are some basic strategies he uses to undo our faith:
(1) murmuring and complaining, which perpetuate
unbelief within us;
(2) self-pity, which causes us to become self-centered instead of God-centered; and
(3) anger and bitterness, which harden our hearts.
Above all, take up the shield of faith that quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy.
This statement was pretty clear—if I could get my shield of faith in place then I could outwit the
enemy before the Lord so we cannot approach Him in faith. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven (James. 5:15).